Thursday, 23 February 2012

Research into similar films.

This is research for different film reviews that are similar to our genre (action/adventure) that we are going to create. By doing this, we can gain knowledge of different opinions on these particular films and take it into consideration when creating ours.

This is a film review for Ocean's Eleven from the website

This is a film review for St Trinian's from the website 

These are Youtube videos of different opening sequences that i researched for that were of similar genre. This is beneficial to us because we can make comparisons and observe how we want our own film to look.

Tuesday, 7 February 2012

These print screens show that we have all distributed our questionnaire via the social networking website Facebook. By doing this we gained more people to fill out our questionnaire, therefore have more opinions of our film from a variety of people. This means we can alter different aspects of our film for instance, synopsis or genre if needed. 

Production Logo

This is our production logo, we created it on Microsoft word.
We used various effects to produce the borders, and the website for the 'ABS' text.
We obtained our image from google images by searching for 'film'.
We created this logo to symbolise our production company, our main aim was to make it look professional and realistic.